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New Release: Undone

NEW RELEASE!!! UNDONE IS BOOK 3 IN THE UNLIKELY SERIES! Maxine & Shane’s story! Irish bodyguard anyone? Sexy, determined modeling agency owner? Get ready for a fast read, a twisted killer, and a hot romance! I’m doubly excited because now the Unlikelys are a whole...

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Redesigned Unlikely Series Covers

I’ve redesigned the Unlikely Series Covers just in time for Undone’s release (almost live! I promise!)….There was nothing wrong with the old covers, but I want to be noticed—especially in Romantic suspense where these fit best. Hope, hope, hoping these new covers...

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CampNaNoWriMo in April

Joining some pals in CampNaNoWriMo in April! I've just got to get Uncovered finished and whipped into shape for critique partners and beta readers and editors! I really lost steam in March...Wish me luck!

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NaNoWriMo Completed

Proud to announce that I successfully completed the NaNoWriMo Challenge during National Novel Writing Month in November! 53,000 words in new manuscript: UNDONE! That's about 2/3rds of a draft! Woot!

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