Retrieval Inc.
Runaway – First Chapters

Runaway – First Chapters

Chapter 1 His fingers—caught mid-reach between the upright bins of fruit and the plastic bag in his other hand—clenched around a kiwi, surely bruising the tender flesh hidden under the ugly skin as he stared at the stunning girl with the mahogany hair. Her striped...

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Runaway – First Chapters

Excerpt from RUNAWAY:

The clank and bang of trays, ladles, cups, and utensils soothed Charlie the instant she slid in the back door of the kitchens. Somehow all that noise had come to symbolize a home away from home for her. Maybe, just maybe, that same sense of comfort that she always...

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RUNAWAY has been redesigned! NEW COVER, SAME GREAT READ!

Why? Because I feared that between the young model and the implied youth of the word 'runaway' that it appeared to be a young adult novel instead of the gritty, romantic suspense that it is. Plus, I wanted delineation between my Retrieval Inc Series and my Unlikely...

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